Amo estas palabras y francamente intento agregarle una cuota de creatividad a muchas cosas que forman mi vida: trabajo, estudio, salidas, viajes, sorpresas, proyectos, etc.
Gracias a Marcos, hoy encontré éste artículo que intenta explicar un poco que son estas dos palabras en boca de muchos y en manos de pocos ...
Destaco algunas partes como:
"Secondly, there's widespread confusion between creativity (the ability to see things differently and have original ideas) and innovation (the ability to make new ideas actually happen). Or as William Coyne, senior vice president for R&D at 3M once put it: "Creativity is thinking of new and appropriate ideas whereas innovation is the successful implementation of those ideas within an organization. In other words creativity is the concept and innovation is the process."
"Some companies seem to be incapable of implementing anything new -- or if they do it's usually taken so long that the opportunity has passed them by or the idea has been diluted so far it's invisible."
# If an idea's great but just doesn't fit, don't waste it -- try selling it to another company.
# People and markets naturally reject new ideas so think about paths of least resistance.
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